Heather Clark - Middle Grade and YA Author
Kids are where it's at. My young readers and characters are in the crux of the most interesting, dynamic, and challenging parts of life. I feel honored to get a glimpse into their world, and to reach out through story as we try to understand and support one another. Come on in, curl up, and read awhile. There's space for Y O U here.
All About Me
Hi, I’m Heather Clark!
I grew up in Alberta, Canada, near the Rocky Mountains, filling notebooks with starts of novels, and dreaming of being a published author. Then I followed the mountain range south to my current home in Utah where I live with my husband, and fellow writer, Cody Clark, and our three children who inspire the books I write every day. A friend accurately accused me of "picking up dialogue off of the living room floor."
In college I read piles of literature and experimented with words before graduating with a BA in French teaching and a minor in English teaching. The unsuspecting teens of Timpview High School were then the victims of my French instruction while I developed a lasting love of teenagers and young adult fiction.
Now I write young adult and middle grade novels when I’m not shooting a wedding, packing lunches, or playing a Euro-style board game, hiking, or devouring a new book.
Being a children's author is my lifelong dream, and representing neurodiverse children powerfully in fiction is a passion. I struggled with childhood anxiety and OCD, and in my adult life, I've added ADD and depression to the mix. The complexity that makes up any individual's brain and heart is full of beauty, and I love to write about characters full of fierce hope, caught up in the everyday adventure of real life.
I’d love it if you’d connect with me on social media, sign up for my newsletter below, or read my blog. In the distant past, I also cohosted a series of writing webinars available on YouTube called #50FirstChapters.