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Signing With Agent Sarah Davies!

Announcing that you've signed with an agent is something every writer looks forward to. I signed with my first agent back in 2013, and she taught me SO much about the industry, and helped me to believe in myself, and treat myself like a professional long before selling my first book.

It's been a bit of a road since then. But back in 2015 I sent Sarah Davies of Greenhouse literary a query for my YA contemporary TESSA PLUS ONE. What followed was an amazing communication, Sarah speed-reading my book while moving internationally, crying in an airport, and and an "almost" offer. She was the one that got away, and I always knew that if I was looking for another agent, she'd be at the top of my list.

Summer 2019 I was between agents, and querying LEMON DROP FALLS widely. I don't think the book was quite ready yet, and Sarah and others passed on that attempt.

As I finished up with that querying effort, I entered Pitch Wars on a whim, especially moved to do so when I saw Nicole Panteleakos was a mentor. Her debut, PLANET EARTH IS BLUE is a perfect example of what I try to do with my writing, and I knew she could help me make the book better.

She. Did.

Coming into the Pitch Wars Showcase in Feb 2020, the manuscript was so much stronger, and I owe Nicole forever! It was a crazy flurry of insanity, but I don't regret a minute of it.

The agent showcase was surreal, and the next couple of weeks were crazy, and at the end, I had a phone call with SARAH DAVIES. When she emailed to tell me she was loving reading it on a Saturday morning, and then later that afternoon to tell me she needed a phone call I basically forgot how to breathe. I was too excited to wait when she said she wanted the call, but I had to take my teenager to work, so I plugged in earbuds and swore her to silence, and took THE CALL while driving to the neighboring city in my minivan. Not glamorous. But literally a perfect moment in my life.

I remember after I told Sarah yes, she tweeted this, and I died, so now I'm dead.

To think that I was the source of even one fist pump from Sarah Davies was...

Announcing my partnership with her to the world was such a pleasure.

Since that day, every interaction with this magical agent has left me joyful. I'm so grateful to and for Sarah. Her humanity and goodness is as amazing as her competence and her industry clout and savvy. I just love her.

I hope Sarah and her lovely Greenhouse can keep helping me grow for a long, long time.


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